Men don't really have "commitment issues". At least, not in the way most women think men do. When a man tells you he has "commitment issues", there's a good chance that what he really means is he's not that interested in you and is just using you to pass time with until he meets someone "better".
But even though men don't really have commitment issues, they don't find it necessary or in their best interest to inform a woman when she's nothing more than a beautiful distraction, a way to earn the respect of his peers, or just a target to sharpen his seduction skills so that he'll be primed and ready when a "better" woman comes along.
In this audiobook, you'll get an inside look at how a man thinks and interacts with a woman when he's not that interested in her. It's extremely difficult for a man to waste your time and treat you like a short-term plaything without exhibiting certain unmistakable behaviors that clearly communicate that he's trying to keep you interested... but unclaimed.
In this audiobook, you're going to learn:
Get started now, and discover how to tell if a man desperately wants you or if he's just not that into you.